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oAoB oCoD oEoF oGoH oIoJ oKoL oMoN oOoP oQoR oSoT oUoV oWoX oYoZ

Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
OU originals UNLIMITED 25
SEQUINS originals 25
SILENCE originals 25
VIURE the originals 25
WILD PAIN originals 25
custommade GOING3 originals 25
GENESIS the originators 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 34
THE AROMATIC origine +leaf 3
HILTON'S orignal 35
orignale OTTO 1 12
FORTUNE orissa special 33
HBW orissa +lion & oval 16
NO. 207 orissa special 34
AMAZON in oriya 35
AMBUJA cement in oriya 19
AMBUJA cements in oriya 19
ANSUL in oriya 34
BANA DURGA in oriya 34
BATA in oriya 25
BSC in oriya 25
COCA-COLA in oriya 32
COKE in oriya 32
DECIS in oriya 5
FORTUNE in oriya 29
GAPPA GOSHTI in oriya 16
GAPPAGOSHTI in oriya 9, 38, 42
GOPI in oriya 24
HORLICKS in oriya 29, 30
JUNGLEE in oriya 35
KHAITAN in oriya 7, 9
MCDONALD in oriya 32
MCDONALD'S in oriya 29, 30
OFFICER'S CHOICE in oriya 33
PARLE-G IN oriya 30
PRARTHNA in oriya +square 38
SHUBH LAABH in oriya 16
SHUBH LABH in oriya +plants 7, 8
STARBUCKS in oriya 35
TARANG in oriya +arcs 38
THREE IN ONE in oriya 3
WASP in oriya 7
orlando MAGIC +ball & stars 28
orlando MAGIC +globe & star 16
orlando MAGIC +star & ball 28
orlando MAGIC +stars & ball 9, 16, 25
BMW ornamations 6
ornament creations OC 14
DI3 the hardware ornament 6, 11
MOHAN +ornament 14
SEA JOY sea shell ornament 20
VENUS ornament 14
ornaments +diamond 14
ornaments +oval 14
A-1 nanubhai ornaments 14
DNS exclusive ornaments 6
GLITZ bag ornaments +oval 18
KAJAL ornaments 14
KAJAL ornaments +hand 14
LOTUS ornaments 14
MEET ornaments +flower 14
SGO shital golden ornaments 14
SOGO fashion ornaments 20
SUBA ORNAMENTS +ornaments 14
T.P. fancy hair ornaments 26
VCAST building ornaments 6
SPECTRUM ornaplast 2
TEXTURA ornaplast 19
CIRUS oro 30
OUR LADY'S HOME orphanage 42
ors +woman & child 5
ors GELYTE 5
INTAS ors liquid 32
MARK-ors 5
SVOJAS edible ort cakes 30
ortho MAX 10
ortho oil GALLEN +men 5
DAILYCAL-ortho 5
DR. KUMAR'S ortho clinic 44
LIFE ortho care +cross 10
NK ortho equipment +arcs 10
SANJAY ortho aids +boy bird 10
SHALLY ortho 5
SOSPL SHARMA ortho +oval 5
SOSPL SHARMA ortho system 5
OZONE orthocare 10
CLEAR PATH orthodontics 44
LION orthodox broken +lion 30
SAMOVAR indian orthodox +ju 30
orthopaedic TODAY 5
DR. CARE orthopaedic mattre 20
SLEEP AIR orthopaedic 20
TOSH trauma & orthopaedic 44
INOR orthopaedics +cross 10
MEDIKIT orthopaedics 10
RCH orthopaedics 10
plus orthopedics +man 10
orvel 11
SURYA in orya 11
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